Three years later following a coup d'etat, a newly created panel, The Assets Examination Committee (AEC) was formed. Their job was to investigate all actions of Thaksin Shinawatra, his family and the political party which ran the country for the previous 6 years. One of their first actions was to launch a full investigation into the auction, which finally resulted in The Supreme Court (Criminal Division) for Persons holding Political positions, finding Thaksin Shinawatra guilty of Conflict of Interest. Thaksin was sentenced in absentia to 2 years in prison.
Whilst the case has been over for several years, and the sentence still hasn't been served, it is still playing a part in the current political crisis in Thailand. With a country deeply divided into those that admire and those that detest the former Prime Minister; who is currently living in exile. Critics of the former Prime Minister feel that the verdict is deserved, whilst his supporters feel that the verdict is unfair and unjustified.
Most of the information surrounding this particular case is scattered, and the purpose of this blog is to try and bring it all together in one place.