The 6th session of the Supreme Court saw the final two witnesses for the prosecution, Former Asset Examination Committee (AEC) members, Kaewsan Atibodhi (นายแก้วสรร อติโพธิ) and Klanarong Chantik (นายกล้าณรงค์ จันทิก) who is currently a member of the NCCC.
Kaewsan Atibodhi, a former member of the now-defunct Assets Examination Committee, told the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders yesterday that just because he had spoken on a People's Alliance for Democracy stage, it did not mean he was biased in any way against former premier Thaksin Shinawatra. He stated, "I believe that humans are capable of dividing their beliefs and responsibility," the 57-year-old said. "I insist that I have no reason to hate Thaksin." Kaewsan testified that he was one of the few AEC members who had proposed that Thaksin's wife Pojaman be, "let off the hook" in her land-purchase case because there was insufficient evidence against her, despite the many "suspicious circumstances".
The suspicious circumstances cited by Kaewsan included questions on why Pojaman did not try to buy the land in the first round of bidding, and why no real bidding had taken place. He also asked why it appeared that the land's registration numbers had been leaked even before the document was made official, and also why no minimum bidding price was quoted in the second round of bids.
The last witness for the prosecution was Klanarong Chantik, who testified to the court that since Bt772 million had already gone to the FIDF, the land should be confiscated if Thaksin and Pojaman were found guilty. "The money was used for a crime and the purchase of the land was illegal," Klanarong said.
Like Kaewsan, Klanarong said he had no personal grudge against Thaksin and that his work at the AEC was led by the principle of "fairness and accuracy". He denied having ever graced the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) stage, although conceded that he had been present at several PAD rallies in the past.
That concluded all Prosecution witnesses against Thaksin and Pojaman Shinawatra. The Supreme Court then started to listen to testimony from witnesses for the defence.